From Shepherd Boy to Good Shepherd || Conquering Battles

“Who’s your daddy?”


That’s what Saul, the king, had to say in 1 Samuel 17:55. But let’s rewind…

David was anointed king for some time in the future over all his studly brothers. The three oldest family studs were warriors - literally. They were under attack by an actual giant (no, not the BFG). I’m sure David was sitting around the dinner table with his family and the conversation going like this:

Eliab: “Yo! There is a giant named Goliath killing everyone. The Philistines can’t win!!!”

Abinadab: “I know! I don’t think my sword is strong enough to kill him.”

Shammah: “I heard Saul wants to surrender, but we can’t do that!”

David (muttering under his breath): “If you just submit to God, you could beat him.

Abinadab: “What are you saying over there, squirt?!”

David: “Oh nothing. I just had a sheep that got off course on the way back to the barn today.”

If you thought David was under-qualified for the throne, he was also under-qualified for the military. But I’m sure you know the story...a sling and a handful of stones. The scrawny shepherd boy had aim - or more so, the scrawny shepherd boy had faith in God.

David cut off Goliath’s head and paraded it back to the camp. And the King (the one that was scared to death) only asked, “Who’s your daddy?” Threatened, Saul began to plot….it seems only one of many battles were conquered.

*Stay tuned next week for how the story of Saul and David continues….*

Battles in David’s lineage didn’t cease. They trickled down right to Jesus. His battles aren’t with giants in his life, but giants in ours. His life is reflective of what he continues to do, the miracles he still performs, in lives.

  • The lame man that was a nuisance - healed

  • The blind man that was in the way - healed

  • The Samaritan woman by the well - loved

  • Martha that was overworked - relieved

  • The tax collectors that are cheaters and liars - blessed

  • The hungry that beg - fed

Jesus is the man we should be asking, “Who’s your daddy?” Because His “daddy” - our “daddy” - is the one that matters.

He will strengthen us to conquer battles - big, small, and everything in between - as we will explore next week.


From Shepherd Boy to Good Shepherd || Let God


From Shepherd Boy to Good Shepherd || Anointed Kings