Resurrection Living
A few years ago on Easter Sunday, I was in Sunday School and the question came up:
What would your life look if you lived as though the Resurrection was real?
My week was replaying in my head - every action, every interaction, every reaction. Were they fruits of living out the realness of the Resurrection?
I don’t think we can answer this question without understanding the fundamentals of what the Resurrection is. And in order to get there we have to understand the story leading up to it.
The story begins with death.
Great way to start a story, huh? Yeah….have you ever watched Up? It’s kind of like that.
Back in the day...the 90’s (the golden years)...we had these things called VHS’s. In school, sometimes the teacher would stick the VHS in the player and it would play where the previous class left off. They’d have to hit fast forward and you’d watch the movie in hyperspeed, as they got to where my class left off. That’s how we’re going to look at this to set the scene - so try to keep up.
The story goes like this:
God created the world and it was good. Sin entered into Adam and Eve’s lives and thus entering into the world. Adam and Eve felt shame and nakedness for the first time (note: they were naked the whole time - hello Adam and Eve, don’t you remember Genesis 2?). Hit fast forward here.
Now in hyperspeed, sin has taken over the earth - slavery, prostitution, plagues, disobedience, etc.
Hit play again.
God loves the world still and sends his Son to rescue the world from sin. LOVE. Hit fast forward again.
Jesus calls twelve men to follow him. He preaches, teaches, performs miracles, heals, challenges, and loves. Hit play again.
One of those twelve betrayed Jesus. As a result, the Romans beat, whipped, and mocked Him as He carried His murder weapon. They nailed Him to that cross, pierced His side, and continued to mock Him and blood and water poured from His body. Hit fast forward one last time.
They put him in a tomb with a giant boulder in front of it (it was a “nice boulder…”) and a guard. Three days later. Hit play for the last time.
Mary Magdalene was strolling by when Jesus approached her. He was alive.
The Resurrection has three elements:
1 - Death
2 - Love
3 - Life
Over the next 6 weeks, come along for the journey towards
Resurrection Living.