A Strange Way to Save the World || The Baby
If things get rough or something strange is going on, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? Maybe you’ll throw up the bat signal? Maybe shoot a text to your buddy Clark Kent? Maybe you go to Zale’s and get a ring for Green Lantern?
The world is in trouble and we want a solution in a “Flash” (yes, pun intended). We wish for a Wonder Woman or Superman to give a quick solution and….all is better.
God didn’t call on the Avengers or the Justice League. He called on a baby.
Yeah I know...intimidating. But here’s the catch:
We tend to view Christ like this:
Christmas Jesus in the manger….leave him in the manger.
Pray a little to the usual Jesus.
Then que Easter Jesus (tears and death and life and smiles).
Back to the usual Jesus.
But God didn’t intend “Christmas Jesus” to stay in the manger, then move to “Easter Jesus.”
His plan was to view Him as the Resurrected King every single day.
The Resurrected King allows us to:
Wait in expectation - this is what the typical “Christmas Jesus” represented. He represented the Messiah the prophets waited for and now He represents the Messiah to come again.
View Jesus’ life in full - the “Christmas Jesus” represents the beginning of a new era. Viewing Jesus as the Resurrected King, allows us to see the life of Christ from start to finish. His ministry, His character, and His track records (from start to this point) will inspire us.
So this Christmas, let’s look past the manger. Let’s scoop up the baby and study His nature, His ministry, His character, and His track record.
What would your life look like, if you lived as though the Resurrection was real?