How Did I Get Here?

Peace Love and Pear Jelly Beans

Friday I was sitting at the missions rally and I thought something crazy. How the heck did I get here? White girl at KCCC. Say what? I remember my first large group. I hadn’t slept in 48 hours. That day a “friend” told me we couldn’t be friends ever again for no reason. I was broken and tired. Then some “crazy Asians” were talking to me on top of it all. I remember my exact thoughts. This guy that was a really good singer was all bouncy and told me to sign up for “community group.” Out of politeness, I signed up for one with Grace on Wednesdays. Then this bald headed kid was asking me all these questions and I was like, “Who do you think you are?” I was so glad to get out of there. Right before I got some sleep the guy friend requested me and added me to the KCCC Facebook page. I added him and planned on never seeing them outside large group and I’d go when I “felt like it”…aka never probably.

I think we all know how this story goes. Wilton, the guy who was all up in my business with questions, is my “grandpa” and my rock. The bouncy singer, Chris, is the one I spread God's Word on campus with my first time. The rest of those “crazy Asians” are my brothers and sisters and I, though, I don’t have siblings and know what having siblings feels like, I know that they ARE my siblings. 

My judgments were wrong.. Everyone from KCCC, you have changed me, encouraged me, and helped me grow. I do not know where I would be without you. I do not know where I would be without games, bubble tea over girl talk, community group, Juice, praying together, talks in the club room, and your lovin’. I guess Matthew 11:28 is true. I came burdened and weary and I discovered Him. Thank you for making me the person I’d dream to be in the way that was too good to even dream about.


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To A New Beginning


In Loving Memory of my Aunt Dara